If you’ve found your way here in early summer 2018, please excuse the dust! This site is being built to store and showcase my work as a communication professional. Uploading copies of my written projects and video productions from the past 10 years remains a work in progress.
I have been uploading both the newest and the oldest of my newsroom articles, and eventually this library will complete itself in the middle. Here’s what else is on my to-do list:
- Create posts for all of the videos I’ve created, including those created for my day job as well as those related to my music hobby.
- Write one or more pages summarizing my 10 years of radio work, including old photos, outlines/scripts for college and/or high school sports broadcasts, audio clips I produced from sports broadcasts, and perhaps some audio clips of my own voice from prerecorded shows which aired. I don’t think any actual “air checks” (recordings made from routine over-the-air broadcasts) from my ordinary DJ shifts have survived. I intend to write about how I first got involved in commercial radio, what my role was initially, and how I expanded it into sports (in-studio and on the road).
Why do this? Much of my written work over the years existed only on paper and/or on websites which were redesigned, with older content not retained. I’m creating this site to retain copies of my work in a database under my own control. It’s as simple as that!
—John O’Malley